Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Tie In A Building

Festival Altar-Second witness

That was the beginning of the 70s .. .

The story of Festival Altar increasingly takes form.

After my own initiative, carried out thanks to the valuable information of Fred Perry, I had come to describe the event as follows:

http://athosenrile.blogspot.com/ search / label / Festival% 20of% 20Altare

All had been published in "Counterpoints ," the quarterly Genoa dedicated to progressive music, inside the CSPI (Center for Studies Progressive Italian).

Months after I added a new testimony, due to the intervention of a character on stage, Massimo Bovio, you read my blog contacted me to work spontaneously. His memories are once again finished on the "Counterpoints" and publish them here today, hoping that the domino effect you give me more ... satisfaction.

I wrote that ...

time ago I wrote for " COUNTERPOINT " an article about the Festival of Altar , which participated in the early seventies.

E 'was an opportunity to remember something very far, but clearly present, albeit blurry, in my mind.

But if we unite to remember objective facts, with some concrete evidence, the story takes a complete form.

I struggled enormously to gather some information and I have not found any kind of enthusiasm and no desire to cooperate.

But it can happen anywhere not what you expect, and after the online publication occurred two events that I have traced to that event.

First, the virtual meeting with Silvana Aliotta, then vocalist of the Circus 2000, by which we remember those days of "musical history": a long interview also made up of details are important to anyone involved in music .

And then, a few days ago I received a mail on this festival, which reproduce in full.

My name
Massimo Bovio are in Turin and at the time was playing in a group of free / prog called Vivaldi. Then I was eighteen. The group was composed by Giorgio Angelo Cardella Stocovich on guitar and drums.
We had a lot of ambitions and a great poker face. So with the assurance of being the best, typical of that age, we went to Study Virus in Turin and we set out as a group for that event. The organization accepts us without feeling, and so the adventure begins.
We asked the Circus 2000 (we were good friends at Spooky, aka Marcello Quartarone) if it was possible for them to bring their van in our amplifiers (200 watt double Davoli Lied Lombardi cash for the low and 120 watts for the double bass guitar). They accepted, and so the adventure begins.
three of us set off from the train station of Porta Nuova. We had a house tent "Moretti Rondine" prestataci from my grandparents. Altar and arrived at after a long walk we found ourselves in the field for the concert.
The Organization informed that we had to sleep and we had to arrange for the food we were considering them. Then we went to dinner, consisting of coca cola in cans (which were first seen in Italy) and sandwiches to choose from cheese, salami and ham.
mess that first night. I have vague memories and confused.
The next day the festival began. Began to arrive and the first band came the first instruments. Circus arrived with their 2000 Ford Transit, which also contained our amps. Build them and prepared to play with borrowed instruments, part circus and part of 2000 by local musicians.
We started our performance and a few minutes later I dropped the belt is low, so not to break the will flow of not, and I squatted down and played the instrument by way of sitar.
forty-five minutes We played one song. Giorgio Stocovich was produced in a single solo.
After the show get off the stage. My foot stayed for nearly an hour under the weight of my body was still dozing. Thought it well to give in during the short walk to get off the stage. Do not really remember if I fell or I made a simple bow with knees on the ground (I hope it is because it was certainly more dignified).
returned the bass to the owner, he asked us for autographs. Truly a historic moment and
After we have performed other groups.

such Dedalus remember our brothers and Fiorenzo Di Castri Bonansone.

They did a great concert. The songs were inspired by two main groups in vogue in a certain musical elite: The Nucleus and Soft Machine with some mention of Mahavisnu Orchestra. Good musicians and good people. A good concert. I must say that in those years to see the work Dedalus it was quite common. Always very good performance.
remember Balletto di Bronzo. I had an album (maybe Ys) and between us, hopeful musicians proletarian Turin hinterland, were met with good appreciation.

Toward evening he made his entrance, right in front of the stage, a Simca-Talbot, from which descended a dazed Franco Battiato. Under arm had a synthesizer, I think an Arp Odyssey. From the car still went down a lot of people.
When they went up on stage just remember Battiato asked me to be able to use our amps. Needless to say, what are immensely proud and happy of course loaned them to him. The concert was extraordinary from all points of view. For those who know the discography Battiato had the time of Pollution. We watched the concert on the stage. The band played with intensity, Franco sang with transport, the stage was vibrating because of the volume and jumps of the musicians. I felt really a creative one with the universe created by the music. I tried with my eyes my friend George Stocovich (still is my greatest friend), I wanted to share with him the moment with just a glance. He was behind his 120-watt amplifier Lombardi, bought with sacrifice (especially of his family). He was terrified. His look and his actions told me that he feared that at any moment the amp last breath because of the volume at which Frank Sinatra made him play. Gleam in his eyes I saw the same look that I suppose he had when Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio! In the back of the head of Lombardi was the "gain" then somehow he could not intervene since the volumes of Battiato. So he raised the volume in front of Frank Sinatra and George Stocovich from behind the lowered. In the face of iperpignoli engineers I met on some stage in recent years.
The concert went on and at some point Battiato called on the stage of the guys who were just in the front row. Some of these came up, and he encouraged them to use the instruments on stage. Total degeneration. My mind associates those moments in a performance having a little 'for years after starring Fura dels Baus (perhaps I exaggerate but I was a rookie and memories combine with other events).
Suddenly someone took a can of newcomers and with it began to strike the gong Silvana Aliotta. I remember considerable disappointment in the eyes of this stranger to Silvana.
I shall digress. One of those crazy jumped on the stage is now a dear friend and has a guitar shop (maybe the last one left in Turin), his wife sings. Guess' Who is the teacher's wife? Silvana Aliotta. One day I remembered the anecdote about the gong with Silvana and cans just saying that it was a mutual friend of "terrorists beer. Here again, that look.
Back to Altar. The evening concluded Alan. Alan was the real, original, to the air, as a censer old dawn of a deserted village. The brother of another myth that is Jenny Sorrenti (Sain Just in time). The festival had to close it. Long hair, sitting behind an acoustic guitar, began to spread his flutes notes on the night of the hinterland of Savona. It was a dream. But like all dreams, something interrupts them to bring everything back to reality. The first drops of rain that summer begins to frighten the organizers, the audience (not us, who were under the tent Moretti Swallow), artists and owners of the securities. Alan continued to sing. The first came nylon sheeting to cover amplifiers (including ours). Alan was always there. Guitar in hand which accompanied the passing of notes. He said one sentence: "... do not worry, I still am to be with you in the rain until morning ...". At that point he broke a guitar string, all greeted quickly and within a couple of minutes gone.
It was the last day, even on the first day "after the Festival." We got up, stretched us, we went behind a tree (there were few so the road was long enough and the "behind the plant" quite busy. We went to the banquet of the organization that gave us our breakfast (bread and cheese with tin coca). Finally, our eyes went to the stage now completely empty, except for a Lombardi 120 watt head and two more speakers 200 watt Davoli Lied, two more cases tested. And the Circus 2000 that had brought us the amplifiers from Torino? They had just left. We did not know anyone. The organization had finally realized that we were three kids bumbling with the spawning season of making music and not seasoned professionals. The moment came towards us a guy with a bushy beard and long hair. It was against the light and the feeling of being in front of a mystical vision was not so farfetched. Fiorenzo was Bonansone of Dedalus who offered to return the equipment to Pinerolo where we could go and return more comfortably.
This is what I remember of the Festival of Altar.

now play in a band called Rock Blues BB.Brothers. I attach a link. (I'm the fat guy who plays bass)


I felt so .....


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