Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wallet Shops In Dubai

"The Substitute"

What I propose in the next lines is very important for me because it is a big part of my life, at least 43 years, from 8 to 51.

course has to do with music that has marked many of my basic steps. Contrary to what I normally do I write so tight, and no one outside of me could understand fully what the words hide .

A life can also condense into a few lines and a few pictures, and I'm sure I could tell my in thirty different ways, always starting from the same source, again using the world of sounds .

Why did I do? What is my type of game?

opening my files, I found a photograph of "processed" by Cristina Mantis , a friend who owns several artistic talents. I asked, a little 'time ago, to "work" on the photographs of some of the myths of my musical life, and she had ventured into one of his years of skill. The His photos were just stored in a folder and I accidentally touched on that at this particular moment I was struck .

In a flash I threw down a few lines to describe what the picture aroused in me, and I integrated the article with some video.

Then I did the test with my son Nicholas, aged 13, starred with me in the final part of the story, but also because he was difficult to decode.

I propose that, for the simple fact that I like.

The first clue the picture is the protagonist, but alone would not explain why the big reveal to end with a few simple words the story of a life, one of many possible ways.

with him, "The Substitute " it all started.

came across an old reel to reel, "Jealous " new technology found in an ancient man was proud. There was a good company on that tape, cutting-edge human material, "nobility" and news.

That sound became so deep that the very thought, even now, back to the "haze" of those days anything but serene ... but it is unclear the reason for such dullness of mind ... not easy to find a justification.

Everything was black and white television ... reflected what was going around, and the inspector Maigret , and solve their cases, gave tons of sadness ... always the same color.

"The Substitute" is rolled onto the reel, not always at the right speed ... a little 'forward, a little' back, and every step to materialize the blacks booties, elastic on the sides ... designed shirts, collar with Korean ... flared pants, jackets british ...

Now ... now ... now ... relive the shorts, t-shirt long sleeves and white checkered blue, red in the face while dancing, full of fear, while someone notes with pride movement in the future.

"The Substitute" continues to live, and everyone goes everywhere for decades, teaches and inspires admiration.

You would like to have as a friend to talk to, or show how precious memory of a trip.

would have been nice to see it up close ... in those days.

Life goes on, the time massacred bodies, feelings and souls, but the "replacement" has always been a great power, and eventually shows up, for all those who have appreciated, for all those who have been able to wait.

An old man and a child in an arena they expect something, but do not know what yet.

The old man holding the hand of the puppy, trying to protect, stimulate it, to make him understand that what is the will to live in forever, like the "substitute" that ran in a coil many years ago.

It 's a handover of a legacy premature ... maybe ... who knows what will happen!?

It starts but does not last long.

Someone spits water on people, especially on them, the young and less young, who looking for a refuge, away from nature unleashed.

But nature can also dominate, or maybe she is showing indulgence, wanting to see the changing of deliveries.

Now the arena is full again, but something does not work. Do not leave notes dall'ugola appropriate wound and the magic is about to end, prematurely, leaving unfinished the miracle that someone has planned ... as if miracles were to follow an established program!

We are one step from the goal and someone is telling us today that "miracles are finished," that ... " we're really sorry, but ..." rehearse a ' other time .. "

No way!

But no one has done the bill with "substitute" ... his name is not accidental.

He remembers a child who was dancing with his pants shorts and T-shirt checkered white and blue, full of sadness chasing each note.

"The Substitute" takes the baton in hand and decided to direct the choir, let us face the old and the baby, and all cry, laugh, and the reason is always the same: the happiness brought about by music and memories.

But they are deluded ... "replacement" is not there for any audience ... his mission is to build the chemistry, to be a witness of the continuity between the old and a child and ... ship arrives in port.

No one could tell if the miracle happened, too soon, too young baby.

But the "replacement", once again, proved up to it.

The old man would have never doubted.


Recorder "Jealous " I still have it, working, with coils that have the recording of my voice as a child, that's what I used at the age of 8 years to hear the first songs beat / rock that I have consciousness. Technology was the pride of my father.

The only (but sharp) image that remains in memory, is when I dressed in a blue and white checked shirt, with shorts, dance, despite my shyness, in a friend's house my parents proud of their son dynamic. The song was " Substitute" of Who , which for me have become, over time, Pete Townshend .

The Who I have never abandoned, even if I never had the opportunity to see them live.

until the year of grace 2007, when the "Who halved" arrive at the Arena di Verona.

For a variety of circumstances, the second of two expensive tickets bought six months before his wife went from a child and so I try to explain to Nicholas the importance of the event which will take part, trying to convince him to reevaluate the What with the passing of years.

The concert begins with my great emotion. The song "Substitute" is of course always present, but the downpour stopped the concert for an hour, thereby preventing the handover between father and son.

But a little 'quiet arrive and start again. Unfortunately, the voice of Roger Daltrey , the singer, the only true Who along with Townshend, vanish, aided by the infamous time.

The concert is about to end between the whistles of disappointed, but ... he comes, "deputy", Pete Townshend, who will take over the reins of the game, sing and play, and allow a spell be done.

also a human being light years away from us, you can join us in our path, becoming in turn the "substitute", the stop-gap, the friend and playmate.

Never mind that he will never know! 202007% 20Who 20Who% 20a% 20Verona


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