Sunday, February 27, 2011

Preggo Breast Implant

birthday Rodolfo Maltese

Yesterday morning I received an email in which my friend Wazza, Roman de Rome, reminded me of an important birthday to Rodolfo Maltese .

was written:

" birthday today, 26febbraio 1947, Rodolfo Maltese, legendary guitarist of the Bank, Indigo, and ... another million projects.

One of the most available human and I met in the music world.

Happy Birthday "brother" Rudy, we love you!

Aldo "

often enlist the help of the Web to provide objective evidence, because my purpose is to honor, remember and remind, and where I have no personal experience, I resort to the existing.

In the case of Rodolfo Maltese I have something of my own instead, which starts from the 70s to the present day and, with a big hole in my time, during which time Maltese has continued to work on different projects.

During my adolescence, when we lived on bread and "Hello 2001," the story of the musicians had lived intensely, and the need for news sometimes beyond the desire for music. You want to know much more than those guys, a little bigger than us, but unattainable, and often their staff was a projection on stage.

learned the stories from Hello 2001, I heard a certain noise that gave some to the "departure" from Marcello Todaro Tour of Mutual Aid . Not even too much diplomacy (I could be wrong, but these are my memories), was highlighted the inadequacy of the guitarist, presented as a brake to the evolution of the group, and we already knew who would be the substitute, such Rodolfo Maltese, coming from Homo Sapiens. Even such a thing happened to PFM, with bassist Giorgio "Fico" Piazza replaced by Patric Djivas of Area.

In those days I happened to see a concert of the Tour, in Genoa, and the stage was the new guitarist. It was probably the moment of passage, because it seems to me that Marcello and Rodolfo performed together in a song, "I do not Break."

For the rest of the time stationed Todaro from parts of the mixer, and perhaps a bit ' time followed the group as a sound engineer.

are distant memories, and could therefore not be accurate, but it is still this sense of unease that I felt the occasion, to be sure that an injustice had been done and that there were compelling reasons set aside one of the initial group.

stiffness and inexperience of a teenager!

Rodolfo Maltese so I turned nasty, and all that a child may be granted.

Over time, abandoning the rigor that characterizes I Rudolph learned to appreciate, of course.

As long as I knew him personally, in Alba, at a concert in 2009: % 20of% 20Alba

We broke up in the dressing room, with the intention of making a short interview by mail, what proved to be difficult for his unwillingness to new technologies, but perhaps we should also insist succeeded, until Rudolph was not experiencing significant physical problems.

After of months I have met again, several times, and I was lucky enough to see him on stage Romano, along with many Italian and foreign musicians, the celebration of 40 years of Italian prog.

But the most exciting moment about a very special event, which took place last June in Volpedo nell'alessandrino.

Concert organized for him, for his return to the scene. Special concert that was revised on the same stage, after many years, even Gianni Nocenzi, apart from the rest of the Bank, in Bernardo Lanzetti and other artists.

Exciting the duet between John and Rodolfo, just the two of them on stage, in the beautiful square of Volpedo, suitable to celebrate two returns perhaps unexpected.

After that performance in the early summer move to Roma, in November, which sees new scene in the north, Novi Ligure, still acclaimed by the public, in its natural habitat, the stage.

My best wishes to Rodolfo Maltese, great musician and great man, hit by bad luck, as often happens in life.

But the music helps those who live for her and it is likely that in this case everything in the end going in the right direction.


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