Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black Lady Camel Toes

Pandora-"Always Everywhere and Beyond the Dream "

The my personal " story "of anytime, anywhere beyond the dream , of Piedmont Pandora , puts a strain on the objectivity of my assessment.

After reading the press release ...


found among the many ideas, able to attract the attention of an old lover of music year ' 70, I was struck by the genesis of " 03.02.1974 .", a song describing a magical event in which I participated. With Beppe Colombo , keyboardist of the group, I shared, unwittingly, an incredible event that has colored an important moment of adolescence. I speak of the Genesis concert during the tour Selling England By The Pound .

I opened the CD package and I gave a previously obligated, as I happened to take a long time ago, subverting all the rules of good listening.

I immediately jumped on that track, " 03.02.1974 .," And there I stopped, because the jet had to write my experience benchmarking. The paper will soon become public domain, probably in the periodical "Counterpoints " by Riccardo Storti, and then Pandora's music has given me, albeit in reduced capacity and with different clothes, the same pressures that have come to Emona Viruet, the author of the cover, but most of the pictures in the booklet, each inspired by a different track.

I think to be aware that their music is able to multiply the inputs for sensitive people and facilities, capable of transforming these inputs into tangible manifestations, can be sources of great satisfaction.

difficult to separate the various ingredients that make up the album, and Emona appears as an element of the band that contributes to the completion of a "work" that is not only music, but painting, fantasy, Dream, opera, fiction and probably more.

Pandora self-certifies as a symphonic rock band, avoiding the term "prog" that immediately back to the past.

But the reading line up back to the most influential temporal bridge that may exist, from the 70s to today.

Beppe Colombo is indeed the father of Claudio , drummer (multi) group, probably a unique case, in which the passage of an old love (we try with all our heirs, but often with little success) is done with maximum effect, and with full visibility to the outside world.

Rounding out the trio Corrado Grappeggia , keyboardist usual and wonderful voice.

anytime, anywhere beyond the dream consists of 8 tracks for over an hour of music.

include instrumentals, poems and suites, including the "form" back to the prog fees, because the possibility of being different, apparently without measures and strict time constraints, it can probably be found in that one field, capable of giving total freedom of expression.

rarefied sometimes melodic, orchestral arrangements, vintage-sounding keyboards, complicated and time also means a voice, make this album a treat for music lovers.

Good music ... which is the meaning? It is probably one of the many concepts that lend themselves to multiple definitions, even valuable, but perhaps different.

My personal opinion, my definition of "good music", is the result of my age and is therefore changed since " 03.02.1974 ." does not pass through the technique and years of study in a conservatory, does not pass through the exaltation of skill or to the extreme solo performance. And maybe not even go to the opposite! What counts for me is to laugh, cry, feel good or bad, and all for a melody ... a good melody.

anytime, anywhere beyond the dream gave me, now, the chance to try this, and no matter whether the listening process has been a small initial impact .... Confirmations are coming soon.



I can away from that first day of '74, because I was also present at the concert of Genesis I (at that age to move from Savona Turin was not so simple) and remained intact 'thrill of those moments (actually I have many more in the heart and head). But this story is usually for people "ancient." What can pick up a young man, a "child", moments of great intensity, but objectively difficult to transfer?

Claudio: First of all thanks for this space and interest in our music, it is our pleasure to answer your questions! I am convinced that the difficulty in transferring certain musical emotions born today is only due to the greater part of the record industry with methods that more or less mafiosetti and fascists do not allow to get what is truly art for those who want to know. Our music has come to anyone who wanted to listen and was always appreciated, and we do not make simple music! This means that the difficulty of approaching the years of music history lies in what surrounds us. It may be that someone does not appreciate certain things, sure, but if these gentlemen have done what has been done and many still carry on in their footsteps by continuing to make good music or preach there is a reason! years My favorite is certainly the one that goes from 73 to 7 in those years if only we stop to think it out: Brain Salad Surgery, Selling England By The Pound, Dark Side Of The Moon, A Passion Play, Tales From Topographic Oceans , and much more . With my wife we \u200b\u200bthink that 73 to 74 there was the ultimate musical expression and that there is a kind of hub where all music has peaked. I was lucky enough to have a father who lived at the time and music fan, which led me to know these wonderful things and wonderful years, for which I'll always be grateful, but not everyone has this chance and try to do what people did in the 70's: hear about trying to study and collect, but it is very difficult today to do this and not because it is difficult music. What I learned from those years is what we now express musically and what I like to tell those who want to talk about good music with me. " Always and Everywhere", the suite that closes our record, fully embraces this speech and learn how to preach was a legacy. The text contains the words of this legacy and the music put into practice what has been learned and that comes from the heart, not for nothing that the text is My father and my music!

I listened to dozens of definitions of "progressive music", all interesting and probably true. These days I'm reading a book that seems to me beyond all expectations, that is the autobiography of Bill Bruford, who, among the avalanche of interesting and intelligent things gives his thoughts, bringing out a common cultural matrix of those who brought in the 70 high-level "drawing" the typical middle-class British, probably grew up in the church choir closer (see Gabriel and Hammill). Why young men (and I know many) fall in love with a genre so articulate, very little power to the new generation, hard to sell? It 's just a passion that has been handed down or, as Bruford writes for the years '70, is also now a requirement linked to their cultural background?

Claudio: The Progressive, or as we like to call us Pop Rock Symphony is a musical genre that has everything you look for a musician or a listener, and travels from hard times to more melodic moments. A young enthusiastic musically, is definitely intrigued by these trips that each disc can be done to located within them everything they need to be stimulated musically. Sometimes we talk about musical heritage and at times it is the desire again, and say something that expresses that in a society almost completely empty and shy like ours can be very valuable.

Your music blends with the painting and shows the desire to consolidate the musical ideas through the "pictures". I imagine that every song has Emona Viruet led to a new "figure". Have you ever had to do the opposite, to find new ideas by looking at a graphic design, a painting, an object?

Beppe : Honestly no, because we focus a lot with the music, lyrics, and once we finished the work to the graphics though in this case after the family as a talent to Emona , who is the wife of Claudius, we took advantage of his creative genius and the two things went hand in hand, apart from the cover painted her listening to what we were doing, crafting a painting for each song. I think a good experiment, a parallel road notes and brush that run together ... amazing!

Often the name of a group is done randomly. In your case, "Pandora" is a symbol that can be traced back to your music, your guidelines?

Corrado: Pandora and 'definitely a fancy name. When we decided we did not think of any way to get to where we are now, but we knew it was a name very epic and very strong that could reflect our personalities and our music, do not get us wrong, we stand with their feet planted firmly on the ground but certainly we are very pleased that all the interest is developing around our music. symbol Pandora continually recurs in our compositions, is a bit 'as if it were our inspiration! It 's amazing the amount of ideas that jump out of our heads when we dial a song, and reluctantly we have to discard or save some for a future song .

back in part to a previous question, the songs long, the suites are of primary importance for those who decide to express themselves through the prog?

Claudio: This is a little 'something that looks like a rule for those who play our kind, but it is not; example? "The final formula of Chad-Bat", which lasted about four minutes, an eternal journey in the very progressive with a dreamy guitar that goes up and grows with a thrilling ending and a full voice that fills every space. This is progressive, time is not involved. Sometimes the suites are natural and the tracks stretch from just inside because we feel that there is more to say, but sometimes stop at times even a few minutes because they can reach the maximum with very little. It 's a bit like a painting and a painting 90x90 15x30 15x30 ... there are masterpieces that surround the art world, but then there are the suites that are a little' the biography of a group and the desire to achieve the maximum because of their definition includes anything that can really say and do.

What kind of interaction with the public able to establish during your live performances?

Beppe: do not have many tour behind because in these times is very difficult to find for those of us to play, but I must say that the concerts we have had have been very exciting, what we try to create live is in fact the transfer of emotions, to share with who listens to us what our soul has led us to writing, awareness of being something for someone else, the faces that you see emotions in the notes to play, or the excitement during the drum solos kept things difficult by Claudio ... to explain. We always feel like when you go see a concert, the thrill is the same: turn off the lights, the first notes, the happiness to listen to, or in our case to be able to play for those who came to hear, as well as the sadness when it all ends, as when I went to concerts and in the end the lights were lit and the group was no longer there, maybe you had waited months for that concert and it's the same feeling when you finish and go back in the dressing room and you look around with others all over now, until next time, if there will be an opportunity.

Fila smoothly when a father and son embark on an experience so intense?

Beppe : I'd be lying if I said yes. Even if we are joined by Claudio a great and strong love between father and son are also difficult moments, I sometimes do not realize that I grew up, who is a musician gradissimo a real talent and at times it seems to me that he can complete what I was not able to do musically, so come in small competitions that are logical and righteous rebels. But listening to what he writes at the end, after sailing a immense sea of \u200b\u200brock-pop-symphonic concerts and having a lot of hours behind them and listened to records, I realize that is a great musician and we welcome the bickering if you need to let him play drums, keyboards and cha all the other instruments can play in this way. I like to recall a phrase that I really love his wife Emon, who photographs well the artistic situation of Claudius. She says, "Look .. when Claudio takes up an instrument, the instrument comes to life only because he can do and say so ... "When he told me this will not tell you the happiness, and how I felt proud, and I must admit that, as just defined and painted the pictures of the new album tracks, as what is said Claudio artistically. I'm sure we will continue to bicker so hard as sometimes happens, but at the end of a concert the first person who embraces his father is Claudio. Music has always been my life and like any parent I have a little 'put my dreams in my son, without forcing, believing and sacrificing a lot and he is paying off big, not that I expected, all' beginning of everything, that would really choose this path. I hope the music gives him what he has given to me as it has signed with the interest, I arrived to record two discs from 50 to 52 years, while I dreamed of it many years ago, he is 26 years gradissimo a musician for more with two albums behind them, I can not be satisfied?

The technology now exists to get anywhere in a flash. Obviously there is a downside. If you were to take stock of the last decade, resulting from the evolution of the media and by the change businnes, things she will be out?

Beppe: Well, much has changed, now arrives faster at all thanks to the evolution of the web, but at the same time have lost those situations that leave you to imagine dreaming, I do not know if it happened to you: I was an avid reader of Ciao2001 and all the newspapers of the time. I remember that I am keeping the money to buy it and sit and live concert reviews of the discs that were the real stories of what happened out on the stage and beyond. Saputelli today are all, each one opens a blog and start writing even though he knows nothing of the topic that deals with, but does because there is this great democracy that is the web, sometimes used very well, others very dangerous, but unfortunately is the price you pay. But when you want to put you opened the newspaper and M. Caffarelli, etc ... A Gallo told us of the exploits of Genesis, the of Yes or ELP? I every time I re-read some articles and I shudder today. Well, I find myself nostalgic and criticized my father ... if I felt! Finally however it is nice to see interviews articles about yourself that you do not even dreamed of, but it would be great to see anytime, anywhere over Reviewed by Ciao2001 the dream, etc. Muzak. would mean that they are very young and in top of the world prog-rock of the 70s. I'm sorry, I was not limited to the last ten years, but I wanted to tell these feelings, which gets the feeling that we describe in " 03.02.74, which is the excuse to tell the contrary, try to understand what were the 70s and mid 80s, has produced little else, the last ten years even less musically speaking.

There is a perfect musician or group, that maybe considered unattainable, is was the common source of inspiration.

Claudio: The music is endless and every musician has something to say, and you can learn something, always. There is no perfect music, but there are forms of the perfect inspiration for us all which of course are subjective, and may arrive in different ways, but when he starts playing with enthusiasm and with something in your stomach that makes you not stop, and salt and salt, that is the perfect time, and maybe part of a movie, a musician or images, it depends. Music teaches us that nothing is unattainable because everything can always go over and over expectations, perhaps without even knowing it. Bach is one of the greatest composers in history-inspired town that still goes to school, but the music is evolving, and there comes a man named Emerson later in the time it takes the body to a completely new, but maybe Emerson believed that "it is really too grand what I feel, unattainable." Perhaps there are times when you think that something is unattainable, but with the passion and enthusiasm, without meaning to, sometimes more than what was believed impossible. Unfortunately, our music is born in years where there is now really anything and everything, but we managed to create our sound and our style, bringing something innovative in the way of seeing music today.

What would you like to be the future of "Pandora" in the next 5 years?

Corrado: It is easy to see our future ... of course with many fine premise that we can be optimistic and hope for the best: listen to our songs on the radio, giving many concerts, and why not sell many records! A minimum ambition, there must be otherwise cease the purpose for which we are investing so much about our project. Fortunately the three of us we are great friends and we always manage to come to terms with all the problems. What we can tell for sure, and 'we have material for many drives, so the future of Pandora at present, and' radiant, and could not be otherwise.


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