Saturday, February 26, 2011

Template Blogger Of Gym

Satragno-Danila "I Sing"

few days ago ... a few days ago ... three days ago, I attended the launch of a book, as often happens to me, to background music.

I emphasized the temporal aspect is difficult because I find the time to read a book (in this case more DVDs) of normal size in a few hours, it becomes imperative to give my opinion now. Probably the next few lines will be evident why this unusual rapidity.

I'm talking about " Want To Sing," a book / manual that describes the " Vocal Care, method that reveals the secrets of the hand, providing educational elements potentially suitable for everyone, not just in art.

The writer is the Savona Danila Satragno , musician, singer, teacher and "Voca the Coach of Star " as reported in the liner notes.

I had never seen, nor heard Daniel sing, and watching and listening, I gave immediate response to the usual question I ask myself every time I'm in front of whom, at some point in the life, he decided to tell their stories through the pages of a book. My mere curiosity.

I think that a book is often written as "sense of balance" in one phase of life, sometimes however is the need to leave "something inherited," or, for those already experts, a need for renewed vision. Objective things do not always have to say, because you can also play with the imagination. Perhaps a "crumbling" of these elements may also have touched Satragno Danila, but what I received in an hour of listening is something that I know closely and that moves every step I take everyday when I speak and write music.

I'm talking about sharing, that necessity is often the word that combines music, but in reality it is not automatically achieved. The beauty of its results give no concern for everyone, and often enormous sacrifices necessary to achieve a goal become an excuse to keep everything for himself, the series "... that even others suffer as I have suffered, before reaching the goal .... "

my idyllic vision of some musical situations, and this is an example, I hope no steps to naivety, but on these occasions I like to think that the passion is the number one motivation. This is what "passed me," in a patch of time, the "Vocal Coach".

But as Daniel told his life, which forms part of the book, I could not help but put my in the middle of the situation. Guess how many of the young people present to the library UBIK apparently careful, in fact leave a bit 'of space to your situation, perhaps envying Annalisa Scarrone (the father this has sunk the knife) or thinking of holding on to school Danila to invent a future full of music and satisfaction.

But I have gone back 37 years, recalling a banal fact that I was traumatized for life musical life. The guitar was the first instrument to come into my house and I played with that group, as a teenager. One summer afternoon, Albisola, during the tests, the singer was absent and no voleve chanting " Impressions September . "You try Athos ..."

I sang but I have little voice and what little I piace.PerĂ² I launch.

After two minutes, no more, the drummer stops me mocked " Stop ... stop ... can not sing with a lisp limp!"

And from that day I no longer sung. I, one that plays different instruments and he writes every day, unable to compose a song in full, blocked by shyness and a trial given many decades ago, came from a friend. Yet in the years to follow, I happened to talk without problems, before hundreds of people!

is a human case "that could solve Daniel!

On second thoughts went immediately to Ian Anderson, leader of Jethro Tull . Ian known for the use of the flute while for others it is an excellent acoustic guitarist. But what made that group able to mark the significant moments of my life is her voice. Now this entry is gone, and I think the motivation is linked to a serious illness and a subsequent operation on his vocal chords. In fact, every year, we're, we rush to see his Italian concerts, suffering two times, once for the lack of quality time and the other for the physical strain that is manifested before our eyes, the neck stretching up to defy the laws of nature in an attempt to channel the release notes.

" Who knows, 'I thought," if Danila Satragno could help ... help us. "

I read the book and saw the DVD. I could not even wanting to test the principles set out , but at least I think I'll try.

Officially is suitable for everyone, experienced singers, aspiring vocalist, teachers, lawyers, actors ... all those people who are in daily need of his own voice and body to communicate. Even silence communicates and may be more deafening of an old concert Who , but the way of behaving and relating is key, whatever you name it.

Each company spends time and money in training, and many of the concepts that I found in this book are the same that I have learned in years of "compulsory school".

The first part is autobiographical and, especially Savona can find elements of interest and full communion.

But much of the book is devoted to teaching. Our knowledge of the physical exercises, tests and responses to 360 degrees outlining the guidelines of proper nutrition suggested by Gigliola Braga, with the involvement of scientific speech pathologist Franco Fussi .

The DVD is in my view essential to make explicit that the parties, if only in writing, may leave some doubts.

I never thought that the voice is unique for every human being, like a footprint Digital, like the iris of our eye, and this would seem an obvious note, could lead to the realization that our voice, being non-replicable, and defense should be treated with care. And for those with singing ambitions, at any age, Daniel reminds us that only a tiny proportion of the population, 3%, it may be hopeless. For everyone else, including me, the future may change from gray to pink.

A comprehensive manual that makes you want to test their skills, and to test Satragno Danila and his fantastic (certainly in intent) method.

News for Daniel and his school can be found at:

my part, I reread the book and maybe attend some stage, because sooner or later, I'll be able to sing a song, with no major worries.

an innocent, childlike hope ... that's what prompted me to "devour" Want To Sing. "

A little light at the end of a tunnel ...


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