Monday, July 5, 2010

What Size Trowel Do I Use On Tile

Recipe with greetings

In both I must apologize for my repeated these absences, I guarantee you were justified because I had to do to prepare everything for tomorrow, what happens tomorrow? I have to go for a small operation to a hand that in and of itself is nothing but the post operative care is a little 'mangy because you do not use the hand for a long time here because recipe with regards, not worry, in my digital camera are stored on different recipes and just be able to tick on the keyboard I'll post.
Today's recipe is a dish of recovery but no one would say anything to among other things if you do not say that no meat is not clear either.


Ingredients 300 gr some stale bread 1 cup milk

100 gr Grana Padano

1 egg 1 clove garlic

parsley salt and pepper breadcrumbs


cut into cubes bread and let it soak in milk until it becomes a smooth paste without seeing more than the crust, happen to put too much milk there is no problem just wring well before adding other ingredients, add the crushed garlic in the past (that which reduces triccheballacche garlic mash) chopped parsley and Grana, mix well add the egg, add salt only at the end as a large amount of grain as there may be too spicy, form balls and roll in breadcrumbs, in preparation result a bit 'mushy, but cooking buy body fry in hot oil, now there are two possibilities, as they are bitten or pass the sauce, are delicious in both variants, good appetite, good Holidays for those preparing to leave and hope to see you again soon, a kiss to all



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