Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why Does Wine Cause Palpitations

Aly Cissokho

Quick Thought on the market in Milan and the new left-back.

Maybe you start to think ... in principle the objective (in broadening the basis on which to do research) should be twofold: higher quality & cost reduction. The first target is centered (12 months ago we talked about big and big and Dossena Dossena ... .... and big and Dossena) .. the second despite having a salary-content-no: 15 is an exaggeration (for now).

Sure this is one of the most interesting role in the face of the movement to 6 months at the port were good (although probably the best match was the one with the manchester which have seen a little them all). That is a peak of his performance. For the moment it is more effective in attack, salt several times during the 90 minutes, it is remarkable progression ball and chain (the change of pace is not burning, but it takes a great speed in space), the cross is generally well balanced (but should give it a "cut" more pronounced and increase speed). It 's a natural left (right near there ... I do not know where this thing came up that also plays on the right), in discrete control on the move, but technically it is quite small and difficult to man jumps from zero (a under special circumstances). It should also give more variation to his theme offensive, increasing both the overlap-to take away the man, who lunges without the ball (still trying triangulations and support) to be served on the race in order to obtain more prondindità game. He has tremendous aerobic qualities, which combined with a remarkable agility and responsiveness You can limit the muscle's defensive shortcomings related mainly to the sometimes inadequate timing of interventions, incorrect positioning (often played too much "advance") and to sync with the rest of the department for review.
The margins and the highest quality physical / athletic base, suggest that they may be, however, come up with one that makes a difference in the role.


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