Friday, September 22, 2006

Dragon Ball Z Hantai All Woman

Moving on

Hi, everybody. My blog is going to move on an other link HERE ! For problems in the updating of my server I decide that getting a new version of my blog could be an interesting and necessary option! :) So I'm here to announce my new blog adventure.
This time I decided to be more ordered and create a sort of category where to insert different style of artwork and sometimes my opinions! eh eh I like to prattle about everything it's in my mind! So I hope you follow me in my new virtual house. I'm looking forward you! See you later.
Ciao a tutti! eccomi qui ad annunciare il mio trasloco vistuale su un altro blog: QUI . Much needed cleaning and a radical update of my dusty archives. I create a true online showroom with the categories relevant to the various styles! I would say that I will, however, to pontificate on everything that will come to me. You will have to endure my ramblings on the world, morality, philosophy and tantric chronic depression that comes over me. That said I hope you can follow me as I wander through the net in search of another space and appreciate my effort!
ps: the old sbagascio of this blog depends on the server on which I had loaded the material and that is leaving me with no hope of recovery. Let him say ... the fate hanging over me! a kiss and soon.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Slide Fox Racing Iphone

Argh I'm not posting anything! I'm rammuffendo no chance of recovery?
in fact I'm throwing up a wooden plank after another armed with paint brushes and oil paints! agony come up with something that satisfies me. In the coming days I will post some of my tinkering. Sorry for the abominable no ... sooner or later something good will churn! and speruma bien!